2014년 4월 19일 토요일

Bike as eco-friendly transportation

Bicycle commuting

 How do you go to work or school? You can use the public transportation such as subway and bus and drive your own car or just walk. Now days, many people including celebrities are using bike to go to work or school. It is influenced by the protection of environment and being accelerated globally. Bike is eco-friendly transportation, but there are also some problems like regulations.

 In Seoul, Korea, the number of bike commuters is on the rise at an accelerated pace. According to data published by job portal career.com, two out of ten office workers (18.8%) use their bicycles to go to work. As to why they do so, 87.7 percent of respondents said they do it for exercise purposes while 59.6 percent answered that it’s a neat way to save money. The average bike price is 300,000 won, the market is valued at as much as 750 billion won. Also, a lot of internet shopping mall like Auction, G-market, have been providing some promotion of bikes and equipment. To encourage bike riding and thus reduce carbon dioxide emissions, government is conducting some campaigns. The finest example of successful campaigns is 'Blue Road Campaign' with 'Pocarisweat'. This campaign emphasized the value of healthy sweat in our everyday live. The program was a riding around Gang-Nam in Seoul. And some people chosen by lot can go on a bicycle trip for free.

Strong Point

 First of all, it is vastly cheaper than driving. People spend a lot of money on buying and maintaining their own cars. But, if you start bike commuting, you can save this money. Not only bikes are cheaper than cars, but bike don't require maintenance expenditure much. Second, bike riding makes you keep yourself in good health. For busy office workers, it's a free gym on wheels. Lastly, you won't miss morning traffic jams and have to worry about a parking spot again.

Weak Point

 Honestly, bike commuting is too dangerous. Bike riders are welcomed by neither walkers nor drivers. Further, there are no proper bike roads in downtown. Secondly, you may have to wear formal attire, and you can't show up all sweaty and smelly for your job. There are few have shower facilities. Moreover, bike commuting depends on the weather. It is difficult and dangerous to commute by bicycle in rain.


 Although there are some negative points, I recommend bike commuting. Because it is one of the best solutions to the urban problems such as air pollution. To promote using bike, I think the government have to make enough bike roads and proper regulations for bike rider in downtown. Also, it is good to expand bike rental service for people who don't have bicycle. In the company level, providing shower facilities is one of the good solutions. I hope that the number of bike riders get more increase for improving quality of life.

Good Example: Bike to Work Week Campaign

 "The Bike to Work Week events happen once in the spring and once in the fall, with an interactive online tool to map and track your trips, enter prize draws, compete with other organizations, and win fabulous prizes and awards, all for free! Chart the benefits: kilometres, calories, carbon savings. Challenge a friend or co-worker; challenge yourself and discover how fun it is."https://bikehub.ca/bike-to-work-week

2014년 4월 1일 화요일

About Bike Riding Posture and Best Courses

Basic Posture

Height of saddle: The proper height of saddle is that the knees are just barely bent at the bottom of the pedal stroke. It can reduce fatigue of knees.

Upper body: To minimize road shock, you have to bend your back approximately 30 degrees. And keep the center of gravity in the middle of hands.

Elbow: Bend your arms slightly, it can reduce the shock.

Pedaling Posture

Don't spread your legs. It looks strange and causes muscle ache. I recommend keeping your legs parallel and trying to press down the pedals vertically.

Best Riding Courses in Seoul

1. Han-river bike path

Around Han-river, the longest and best bike path network is constructed. Also, it was connected with other bike path like Jungrang stream bike path. It has a great view, especially night view is amazing!This is good for beginners because there are small altitude variations and a low risk. Further if you have no bicycle, there are some bicycle rental centers. But it is crowded with people weekends.

2. Jungrang stream bike path

If you start at Han-river, there are two choice. First is course along Cheonggye stream. It is 17km course(a round-trip) and there is Hanyang University. The other is to Uijeongbu. It is 62km course. These days, there are some road constructions, so it's dangerous to riding at night.

3. Buam-dong

Buam-dong is really attractive place. There are old and new buildings coexisting with nature. Although it is known as good date course, it is good for bike riding too. The Bugak Mountain Highway is best downhill course. Because it is high level course, you'd batter have safety equipment and ride MTB or hybrid bicycle.


This classic bicycle looks beautiful. But If you'r purpose is exercising, it's not proper. Because it makes your back straighten and puts stress on the back.